Lost Cats

Helping reuinte owners with their lost pets

General Pet Search Tips

Tips for finding lost and missing pets.


Lost Pet's International

A website listing for lost pets across the U.S.


Tabby Tracker

An online lost cat database.


Important points to consider

  • Search your immediate surroundings. The quicker you search the greater the chance of finding your pet, and the ground they could cover will be lessened.
  • Get in contact with neighbors, provide details such as the pet's name, a recent high quality color photograph and your contact information.
  • If your pet has been microchipped, notify the company and get in contact with your local vet and city/town animal control officer.
  • Notify the local animal control officer along with local shelters.
  • Create highly visible flyers with recent high quality color photos including pet's name, last known whereabouts, and contact inforamtion.
  • Check with local shelters and follow up on a regular basis. Phonecalls are ok but fisrt hand witnessing is better.

Trapper Volunteers

Trappers are needed to humanely trap a cat or colony of cats so they can be spayed or neutered, helping to put an end to pet overpopulation.

Foster Care Volunteers

If you enjoy caring for cats or kittens, BCCC is interested in talking with you about our foster care program.